Matty Brown – Lost in the Alps

C’è sempre un modo diverso di guardare un panorama conosciuto, spesso però per farlo bisogna prendere in prestito gli occhi di qualcuno che non pensi come noi.
Da Matthew Brown, un collaboratore di, un video che lui stesso commenta con queste parole che nemmeno traduco:
“I’m a shy, awkward guy. I was dropped in the middle of the wintry Italian alps of Friuli Venezia Giulia, left to wander and experience whatever lay ahead. I met stranger after stranger who greeted me with a glass of wine and open arms; smiles as big as the mountains we conquered. They took me on a journey I will never forget. The interest they had in making sure I got out of my shell and had the experience of my life is so unheard of. In such a short period of time these strangers became family, untangling my shy soul and packed in the audacious and inspiring life I have always been journeying toward. What a happy and beautiful people.”

Buona visione e buon cambiamento di prospettiva